Wedding Dreams - A glamorous book release with publisher PureBelle and Jane S. Wonda

In an evening full of elegance, evening gowns, and great readings, the new publishing house PureBelle and the book Kiss the Right Bride by Daniela Hartig celebrated its release with a “Wedding Dreams - Release Party.” There, we met the German bestselling author Jane S. Wonda, whom we had an Interview with, and of course, many fans of the dark romance or new adult genre, with whom we had many interesting talks about their love for the genre and Jane's books. Other authors of the publishing houses PureBelle and BlackEdition could also be found during the evening. Some of them even gave an exclusive sneak peek at their upcoming books in various readings. My highlight of the evening was the reading of Kiss the Right Bride by audiobook narrator XY. As someone who had not read the previous edition of the book, it left me wanting to read it, not only for the promising plot but also for the gripping narration. Another highlight was the beautiful interior of the Palais, which reminded us of a beautiful dancing hall in a castle.
Read more from the bookish night here!
Find the Interview with Jane S. Wonda here!