Fresh Finds Friday with Chance Peña’s „Feel it All“

Written by Fernanda on July 13, 2024

Chance Peña has done it again, capturing deep emotions and the bitter reality of a relationship falling apart with his new single „Feel it All“. The 24-year-old Texan composes music filled with life experience. His ability to describe the despair of endless heartache is remarkable.

Starting his musical career competing on „The Voice“ at the age of 15, Chance earned his place in the music industry. His music is mostly self-produced, which leads to his personal sound full of emotional depth. „I hope these songs help someone,“ Chance says, „that the lessons they’ve learned can help them deal with things in their own lives“.

In „Feel it All,“ we experience the painful feelings of a couple drifting apart. The lyrics masterfully capture these deep emotions:

Oh, I’m worried life will pass me by and I’ll have spent it all living a lie.

Time is fleeting. Making a decision is tough. A nagging feeling that something better is out there for you. Will you regret taking the step? Will you end up hurting the person you once loved? Will you end up hurting yourself?

I know I’m gonna break, am I just too scared to face it? See the tide’s coming in, but I’m just too damn complacent. You always take the best from me, I got nothing left to give, but still I try.

The utter realization that the inevitable is approaching while being too complacent to change anything. Being completely burnt out and yet continuing to give everything, only to fail. To never be enough.

„Feel it All“ is a song that gives inexplicable pain a name and provides a musical home where everyone can recognize themselves. The slow drifting apart of two lovers is felt in every line, along with the unstoppable feeling that this is no longer the home it once was. The realization that one has to leave, despite the overwhelming pain, is impressively portrayed.

Growing and outgrowing each other is a theme many know. The moment you realize that the shared path has ended is heartbreaking. „Feel it All“ captures this feeling perfectly and is therefore an absolute masterpiece.

Do you feel it? ‚Cause I feel it all. You’re my ceiling and I’ve grown too tall.

If you want to indulge in more heartbreak, you should also listen to Chance Peña’s song „In My Room“. Both songs can be found on our „Fresh Finds“ Playlist on Spotify.